If We Could Turn Back Time: Cher
“Self-revelation is a cruel process. The real picture, the real you never emerges. Looking for it is as bewildering as trying to know how you really look. Ten different mirrors show you ten different faces.” - Shashi Deshpande
Well, as a result of the last few gentle forays into the art of public self-discovery, sticking my toe into the pools of judgement to see if a shark would bite it off, I'm pleased that not only am I still intact, I'm MORE intact than when I started this exercise. For that, my friendlies, I give you full thanks and gratitude. It is a wonderful gift....I hope you already understand that I don't just mean that as some fancy-schmanzy words. Words are cheap, after all. Nope! I mean I appreciate that you are there.
So, as a bit of "filling in the past of who I am" for you, I thought I might give you a gentler-more peaceful time of my life. I can't say that I remember it, but I have to know it was sweet times!
I've had a scanner for quite a few years, but never got it hooked up to this computer when I bought it (out of sight, out of mind). In going through stuff for the garage sale this weekend (Yay! I'm making progress!!), I came across it, and....well judge for yourself.
Wasn't I a cutie?!! Blush! Blush!
(Click to enlarge)
But wait!!! There's More!! If you check this out before I make the next entry, you can get --- at no extra charge--- the job hunt quandary between auto mechanic and cook. Our folks wanted to push us out the door early, I guess!
...so, just because I like my new toy, and I think these pics are pretty cool, here are a couple of my two brothers actually co-operating with each other! < smile! >
(c'mon...don't forget to click now, huh?!)
Check out the frame on the tricycle! And in that other picture, they're sampling cake icing off the hand beater.
...and tell me, oh thou kind, simultaneous, retrograde, time-traveller companion you....why would a little boy be dressed up in a suit jacket to go outside and play with food? Maybe I should have started doubting my Mom earlier! I'm just sayin' !!
Hey, those are great. I have a scanner, but not one that will scan slides and those are the only pix I have of the days gone bye. All on 35mm slides. One of these days, maybe I can give my new one to Petunia, and get one that will scan slides.
Posted by
TotalChaos |
9:19 p.m.
Oh my gosh, you most definately were a cutie pie! And the picture of your brothers by that tricycle...looks like something Norman Rockwell should have painted.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:45 p.m.
What a darling you were!!!
Ah heck, you are still a darling:)
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Posted by
Mackey |
12:57 a.m.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Toooooo cute!! I love looking at old baby/toddler pics. Or any pics for that matter! What a tricycle you had too!!
Posted by
5:35 a.m.
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