Everything Isn't Always What It Seems
"Black and white are the colours of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected." - Robert Frank
Geldof In Africa: The Luminous Continent
(Click on Geldof link for perspective)
(appears in separate window)
(click here to light a global candle)
(appears in separate window)
(click here to light a global candle)
"When you have established that one alternative is good and the other is evil, there is no justification for the choice of a mixture. There is no justification ever for choosing any part of what you know to be evil." Ayn Rand

"What is freedom? Freedom is the right to choose: the right to create for oneself the alternatives of choice." - Archibald MacLeish
"The more you can increase the fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers and immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." Chomsky

"Alien thoughts"
- my fractal
"The true critic is he who bears within himself the dreams and ideas and feelings of myriad generations, and to whom no form of thought is alien, no emotional impulse obscure." - Oscar Wilde
I wonder in what fields today
He chases dragonflies at play---
My little boy, who ran away.

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY - very cool!!!! So yer liking that there fractal experience huh!!
Posted by
6:43 p.m.
Great words, with great works. Go with the Flow.
Posted by
TotalChaos |
8:08 p.m.
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