From Times Past
“Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it without a sense of ironic futility.” - Errol Morris
“Property is cut into littler and littler pieces, until all that's left is a cemetery and parking lot. We're in a race to document the old cemeteries before they disappear.” Dale Flatt
Well folks, I thought I'd bring you another peek at my (our family's) historical background. One of my ancestors usd to be the captain of a whaling vessel out of Australia, I believe, but I'm not certain. Here are scans of a shopping list for clothing supplies dated 1852. Note that the entire total is $100!!!
I have others I want to put up, but I'm going to try this one first. I've attempted to enlarge it, because it becomes very readable, but my ability to manipulate images is still at the rookie stage. (Click to enlarge.....I hope!).
Damn! I give up. It looks great on my computer, but when I upload it, I don't get the enlarged version (and yup, it's named differently!). Sorry about that, you'll just have to take my word for it!
Posted by Evydense | 9:03 a.m.
I can actually see it pretty well on my computer -- the enlarged version and everything. So maybe it just depends on the computer? Anyway -- very interesting stuff! I love old handwriting and wording -- everything seemed so much more careful and well thought-out. People from the 1800's would faint if they saw text messages... :)
Posted by Lisa | 11:01 a.m.
Takes two clicks on IE on my computer, to get to the full size. I can read it, but mainly because my Mother writes the same way. Man, I wish I had some things like that about my family background.
Posted by TotalChaos | 11:06 a.m.
Oh my gosh! I can read it just fine as well - the HANDWRITING is exquisite! You are very fortunate to have these neat little memories!!
Posted by KSHIPPYCHIC | 3:48 a.m.
I'm so pleased to hear everyone can see it! (unless it's a conspiracy against me LOL).
Lisa: I love looking at the old style script too, but I have difficulty reading it sometimes (a double 'f' means 'l' or something like that.) In addition to that, tomorrow I'm going to post a couple pages of the captain's log..and you'll see he wasn't the best speller/grammarian! I'm trying to interpret the documents as best I can, so maybe some of you can help out to fill in the blanks.
TC: I feel embarrassed. You said "two clicks" and it clicked with me. That little symbol that pops up in the lower right corner of an image when you move the cursor over it will automatically expand the picture. I did not know that! How naive does that make me LOL!!
KS: I love ths handwriting to. One of my former clients teaches courses in calligraphy, and he cn write as quickly in it as I can with ballpoint (well...maybe not quite as quickly, but he doesn't need to hesitate!)
Word verification gpiyg: Got pigs in your garden.
Posted by Evydense | 10:31 a.m.
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