Dropping Knowledge Project
“They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself” - Andy Warhol
I received the following e-mail this morning. I encourage all of you to at least visit the site and see what it's all about (there's a link in my sidebar to "The Droping Knowledge Project"). Last month, I nominated Dr. David Suzuki to be one of the participants. I'll have to check and see if he's on the panel.
Basically, 112 of the world's greatest thinkers are getting together in early September to discuss 100 of the world's most pressing issues. They invite submissions for questions also.
I was going to write this morning about the on-going tragedy in the Middle East, or gun control, or religion, or.... All the unsolvables that eat away at my soul. But when I put that e-mail in context with Warhol's quote shown above, I think I'll delay those other thoughts till another day.
Here's the e-mail:
Dear knowledge dropper,
Do you want answers to the most pressing questions confronting today's world?
Ask yourself...
On September 9, 2006, in Bebelplatz square in Berlin, Germany, 112 visionaries will come together around the largest table ever constructed to engage with 100 questions donated by people across the globe...
Will your question be one of them?
Using a simple question-rating system, the dropping knowledge community is currently deciding which 100 questions, out of our growing pool of over 10,000, will be asked at the Table of Free Voices and answered in our groundbreaking online audiovisual Archive.
To participate in the voting-process, simply log in with your email and password and using a 1 to 4-star scale (4 for the best, 1 for the worst), rate questions according to two criteria: First, does the question inspire open dialog? Second, does it cover a social topic relevant to you?
While only you can determine a question's relevance to you, there are certain guidelines for determining a question's ability to inspire open dialog. In general, open-ended questions begin with 'How,' 'Who', 'What', 'When', 'Where' or 'Why' (e.g. "How can we end poverty?") They do not seek to influence the answers, but rather allow for many different answers.
Click here to rate questions.
Click here to donate your own.
Click here to view the current Top Ten rated questions.
Please also consider making a donation. Every contribution helps.
dropping knowledge is also seeking 112 volunteers to help produce the Table of Free Voices event in Berlin in September. If you're interested in being a part of this unprecedented global gathering, click here to find out more.
With thanks for your continued support,
from dropping knowledge
ask yourself. ask the world. join the dialog.
dropping knowledge is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization: a web-based platform created to foster a worldwide exchange of viewpoints, ideas and people-powered solutions. A public resource, it cannot be owned and is freely accessible to all for all time. dropping knowledge's founding partner is the Allianz Group. Its founding supporters are the Mark & Sharon Bloome Fund and the Global Wallace Fund.
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This sounds really interesting! It would be great if they can actually accomplish fixing some issues in this world. And the little guy (like us) actually gets some kind of input, too.
Posted by
Secretly Me |
11:52 a.m.
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