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A Child's 10 Commandments

"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

We must care about the world of our children and grandchildren, a world we may never see.” - Bertrand Russell

We don't care really about children as a society and television reflects that indifference to children as human beings.” - Bill Moyers

(Note: I have a vague recollection that I may have posted this already last year sometime....but it never hurts to be reminded!)

A Child's 10 Commandments To Parents

1) My hands are small; please don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball. My legs are short; please slow down so that I can keep up with you.

2) My eyes have not seen the world as yours have; please let me explore safely. Don't restrict me unnecessarily.

3) Housework will always be there. I'm only little for a short time ---please take time to explain things to me about this wonderful world, and do so willingly.

4) My feelings are tender; please be sensitive to my needs; don't nag me all day long (You wouldn't want to be nagged for your inquisitiveness). Treat me as you would like to be treated.

5) I am a special gift from God; please treasure me as God intended you to do, holding me accountable for my actions, giving me guidelines to live by, and disciplining me in a loving manner.

6) I need your encouragement to grow. Please go easy on the criticism; remember, you can criticize the things I do without criticizing me.

7)Please give me the freedom to make decisions concerning myself. Permit me to fail, so that I can learn from my mistakes. Then someday I'll be prepared to make the kind of decisions life requires of me.

8) Please don't do things over for me. Somehow that makes me feel that my efforts didn't quite measure up to your expectations. I know it's hard, but please don't try to compare me with my brother or sister.

9) Please don't be afraid to leave for a weekend together. Kids need vacations from parents, just as parents need vacations from kids. Besides, it's a great way to show us kids that your marriage is very special.

10) Please take me to Sunday school and church regularly, setting a good example for me to follow. I enjoy learning more about God.

(NOTE: In this age of diversity and controversy, number 10 may or may not apply as you determine within your own family. Perhaps at least the opportunity should be presented)

taken from: "Parenthood Without Hassles --- Well Almost"
by Dr. Kevin Levan


What a beautiful post Rick.
I have "The Childrens Creed" hung up in my house. It is very similar to what your posted.
Childhood is a wonderful, magical time time that goes by much too fast & we should do the best we can to make sure that time is remembered with love & laughter.

That's really wonderful, what a good reminder!

Mackey: Yeah it's sort of like Christmas: it doesn't matter how you say it or how many times --- it's all the same if the message is getting through.

Lori: Welcome to my site, and thanks for dropping by! I was going to let Mackey know that we now have THREE Albetans...but then I saw your contact list and knew you were "in the loop". So welcome to that too!

What a great post!
I just wish all parents would follow it! Childhood is so short, and we really should cherish the time to nurture them in the ways that they need!

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